Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift Perform ‘Good For You’ Duet at Taylor Swift’s 1989 Tour in LA

The powerful duet of Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez finally hit the stage during Taylor’s final 1989 tour gig at Staples Center in Los Angeles! Sel and Taylor perform ‘Good For You’ at the concert and blown away the entire audience ahead of them! Check out the photos of and videos below!

Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift Perform Good For You at 1989 Tour Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift Perform Good For You at 1989 Tour Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift Perform Good For You at 1989 Tour Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift Perform Good For You at 1989 Tour Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift Perform Good For You at 1989 Tour

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